Building Better Humans

Clark County School District 2019-2020 Academic Year


The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department at Clark County School District (CCSD) partnered with IMAGO to implement a comprehensive program to develop students’ college and career readiness through the lens of social and emotional learning (i.e., emotional intelligence).

IMAGO is an educational technology company that provides social and emotional learning (SEL) programming for K-12 education. Their lessons are provided on a digital learning platform, where educators (i.e., facilitators) and learners (i.e., students) log in to view video modules (lessons) on SEL topics (aka Mindsets) and respond to study guide questions. Mindsets lessons were designed to operationally define IMAGO’s six component SEL model: Self-Awareness, Relationship Skills, Social-Awareness, Responsible Decision Making, Global Awareness, and Self-Management (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: IMAGO’s Model of Emotional Intelligence

Social Emotional Learning Diagram

Each Mindsets lesson consists of a series of videos (5-8), each of which are followed by study guide questions. Study guide questions vary from recall to concept-application and extended thinking to address the progression of depth-of-knowledge (DOK) levels (see Figure 2). Learner responses to these study guide questions provide insight into their perspectives and current skills, as well as the impact of lessons on the learners.

Figure 2: General Structure of Content in IMAGO Lessons

The purpose of this report is to highlight learner mindsets based on their Mindsets study guide responses. In this report, learner responses are used as a proxy for how they are thinking and comprehending a variety of metacognitive concepts from which learning and decision-making skills flourish.

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Building Better Humans Report